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20 Oct

Essential Driving Tips as the Clocks go Back

As autumn descends, the UK experiences the annual ritual of turning back the clocks, ushering in longer nights and darker commutes. Driving in the dark requires heightened attention and adherence to safety measures. 

Here at Myles Coachworks accident repair centre in Ayr Ayrshire we offer a range of car repair services and can offer professional advice on all things automotive. 

Here are essential tips to consider as we brace for the darker months.

1. Check Your Lights: Before hitting the road, ensure all your vehicle lights are in optimal working condition. Verify that headlights, brake lights, and indicators are bright and functional. Clean the lenses regularly to maximise visibility.

2. Adjust Your Speed: Driving in the dark demands a more cautious approach. Reduce your speed and maintain a safe following distance to allow for unexpected obstacles. This gives you ample time to react to changes in road conditions.

3. Use Headlights Wisely: Switch on your headlights well before it gets completely dark. Avoid dazzling other drivers by dipping your headlights when approaching or following another vehicle. Use full beam headlights on unlit roads, but remember to dip them for oncoming traffic.

4. Stay Alert and Focused: Driving at night requires heightened concentration. Minimise distractions inside your vehicle and stay attentive to the road. Take regular breaks on long journeys to combat fatigue and maintain optimal alertness.

5. Be Mindful of Pedestrians and Cyclists: Darkness can make pedestrians and cyclists harder to spot. Stay vigilant at crossings and keep an eye out for reflective clothing or bike lights. 

6. Watch Out for Wildlife: Dusk and dawn are peak times for wildlife activity. Be prepared for sudden movements, especially near wooded or rural areas. Adjust your speed accordingly and remain vigilant for animals crossing the road.

By incorporating these driving tips into your nighttime journeys, you enhance your safety and that of others on the road. As the clocks go back, let your commitment to responsible driving shine through, ensuring a smoother and safer ride in the darkened hours.

If you are ever unfortunate enough to be involved in a road traffic accident, regardless of if it was your fault or not, give Myles Coachworks in Ayr and we can get you back on the road in no time. 

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